Saturday, December 09, 2006

First look of ubuntu 6.10

To replace my old Linux Fedora Core 5, I downloaded a copy of ubuntu 6.10(all of alphabets in its name are lowercase, interesting =) ). A full copy of it is about 3.5gb, and there is live CD function within. It's 3.5gb includes multiple language support, and some necessary(and also not a few unnecessary) component.

First looking is not bad, a beautiful loading screen. This distribution have a very nice looking loading GUI, clearly indicate each functions. Most common choice is install by it's Live CD(it makes computers run Linux without using any hard drive!), loading its full X86R2(the GUI system that Linux usually used... as known as XWindow), then run the install application. Apparently, as mostly people excepted, it is not effective compared to install via direct installation mode, but rather more friendly(really? I doubt it =) ). It took me almost 40 minutes to complete the installing process(3.5gb is a fatty guy), and a few options can be choose. All right, like other distribution of Linux, remove the CD, reboot, and so on. We are entering a formal ubuntu now.

ubuntu's OS loader is modified grub, and I think it is a bad modification. GUIs in ubuntu have only one kind : Gnome. Fedora Core have KDE TDM Gnome....etc, but ubuntu have only one kind. "All Gnome in the world are the same Gnome" it goes, so the Gnome in ubuntu is excepted approximately similar to one in FC. Ok let's start settle up networking.

Wait, where the hell to make the network establishing?

Manage==>Network have some choice to let you access your network card, but there is no place to let you setting up the DSL! I was lucky to have another networked NB by side, go to FAQ at Taiwan ubuntu organization and finally I know the command is "sudo pppoeconf", and the FAQ is so kind to tell you where can you get GUI network manage tool... but connecting to the site is pre-required(lol) -- how could you get these information to set up pppoe, without knowing how to set up pppoe?

We will talk about console in the next day =) I need some time to get familiar to ubuntu...

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