Monday, July 20, 2009

Recently Update

Project Iris is still in progress, and Milestone1(aka basic tile construction) will be finished estimated in 2 weeks, then Milestone2 – Game Basic Logic. I am confused by myself designed architecture – which one should take reasonability of updating? and which one should responsible for managing Rendering Window and Root management? Really confused by myself :/

Anyway, I am a bit happy to have more talking with someone =P. Maybe with bad karma I have made, and I shall have more effort to… never mind, hum.

Just meet Cecilia again, in fact, nothing special… maybe a bit to worth scribing into my update. It is a dust covered old memories….

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Soul Hacking - 淺談非物理入侵(2)

Reality Hacking在前面的章節已經談過了,接下來我們要進入更深一層-名字聽起來也更虛幻的一層,Soul Hacking。

Soul Hacking其實是一種心理戰,基本上就是結合心理學的一種入侵方式。我們在設計一個安全系統的時候,通常只會考慮到"如果使用者XXX,我們就要以OOO的方式來對應"(普通的邏輯系統似乎都是這樣寫的,對吧?),而不太會去考慮相反的事情:"如果我們做了XXX,使用者下一部會做什麼?"

最簡單的例子,假設現在有一個安全系統,如果要登入管理層的話,除了使用者的ID以外,還需要多輸入一層管理者密碼,可能很多設計者會這樣設計 : A. 提示使用者輸入ID B:提示使用者輸入第一層密碼 C:提示使用者輸入管理層密碼

聽起來非常合理,不是嗎?所以我們就會給使用者資訊:這個登入流程需要一個ID 需要一個密碼 需要一個管理者密碼。

我們換個角度想,如果我們登入流程變成這樣,換你是入侵者,你會有什麼反應? A. 提示使用者輸入ID B.提示使用者輸入密碼 C. 提示使用者輸入了錯誤的密碼,要求重新輸入:不過事實上,第二層密碼驗證是對的,系統正在等你輸入管理者密碼。


這個就是Soul Hacking的一環,跟使用者的心理戰。這是防禦面的說法,下一篇會聊聊攻擊面的說法。

Reality hacking - 淺談非物理入侵

Reality hacking - 這個其實不是很為人所知的名詞,其實是資安理面幾乎是最重要的一環。不管你用多昂貴的多複雜的firewall,多訓練精良的網管,多有效的多層次存取(MLA)系統,公司的資訊仍然是有機會以人為的可能性外流-防火牆檔的住over-exceed request,也許檔的住部分back-oriphance,很不幸的是他們對於員工的大腦跟嘴巴通常無能為力。








這樣其實就可以撈到非常多的資料了。一個IT不夠嚴謹的公司,這些資訊已經足夠造成非常大的損害。Reality Hacking並不見得需要像電影情節裡面的hacker一樣,潛入他人公司,分析鍵盤密碼,偷偷接上sniffer...他們需要的也許只是稍微好一點的口才,一些看起來不是很重要的資訊,以及一點運氣。



Reality Hacking就是那麼一回事,可以很複雜,但是也可以那麼簡單。

Thursday, July 09, 2009

可憐的Jason XD

thor = jason says:
*미연 說 (上午 12:26):

/*Rayer*/ T.R.I. says:
*韓國妹還真是欲求不滿 連你要睡了都不罷手
*不過那邊更晚耶 一點了
thor = jason says:
/*Rayer*/ T.R.I. says:
thor = jason says:
* ...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Recently Update…for myself

A bit busy here, for either official project or own Iris project. I have learned a new sort of algorithm for Iris-Mimic, but it consumes loki::smallobject technology to perform.

After the great separation, it cost me some days to get recovered. Just let the ugly past pass, I hope so.

Dolice closed her blog, due to her confliction toward her boyfriend. It’s a pity to see a bobby-headed girl’s fantastic diary…. ok, and the invaluable technical note. I can image that racial conflict(she is a Malaysian, and he is a Chinese) between them, as Dolice always complains so. Cultural difference makes hard to communicate… even become a plunk between them two. Good luck, pal.

I think I need a target to chase, after someone talked to me(and makes me so happy :) ), I felt my power recovered then. New living style makes me to feel time is so easily exceeded, and I need more. I need more time to learn, to relax, to enjoy my everyday….and to love. I don’t know what she thinks, but she is my battery … in secret =P

I might have a motivation to become great. As I will…

Coasta Tempo is my favorite song. In fact I don’t like Koreans, but music passed the barrier. Clicky rap plus soft voice makes an excellent combination. Who can ever image K-Rap can be so freshy?

Netbook is a magical tool for me, it can let me do my writing( article or code) while enjoying smelly coffee, and never lost any idea while in anywhere. It is another good investing for me… a bit costly ;P. I bought HP mini 2140HD and cost me around 600USD. It’s funny, while I was in SLC, my house rent goes 450 per month, 600 seems not so much for me. But in Taiwan, it down to 190 per month, so 600 illustary become a big deal. Anyway, it’s a good deal.