Sunday, December 31, 2006

FON faq and some possible solution.

  1. Some website can not be accessed via domain name : I'm sorry, but this problem have NO solution yet. Since FON's concept of authorization is involved its static DNS(what a "merely" hell idea ='( ), this problem can't be fix in a few further days(Let's hope their DNS update its database more frequently, but it is not easy). Maybe next generation of FON will use gateway served as authorization instead of DNS, but it will change entire FON network system. Therefore, lets pray and wait.
  2. WPA2 encryption is not compatible for some older wireless network adapter : That's no problem at all, you can change setting to adjust it from WPA2 to WEP/WPA, which provide more compatibility to these older adapter. Indeed, disable the encryption is another solution, but it's REALLY not recommended. Also, don't try to tune other part up in wireless page if you don't know what you are doing... serious =P
  3. Some problem occurs when access via encrypted private SSID : The source of this problem is complicated, it seems(I guess =P) involved its DHCP time-out. The authorization/encryption mechanism have some problem, even you are authorized, it seems will NOT tell your network adapter about it, but still tell its build-in DHCP server. DHCP server will time out, and fail to distribute IP to you, then you will see your right-bottom wireless network icon tell you "This device have only limited ability to access network" because it failed to get a IP from DHCP. Just push that message upon the icon down, and press "Fix it" button, use Windows build-in tool to fix it and it will be corrected. If you seems disconnected but the icon have no warning, just right-mouse-button click it, select "Fix the device", let it request a IP from DHCP, and it will be all right. Maybe in public SSID somebody will meet this issue(I don't think so, but who can assure? =P), maybe this is also a solution, too.
  4. Difficulty in setting up AP location in FON map : There is no easy way, just be patient lol. The more precise you set, the more useful of FON map. Please, be patient, you need only to endure this fuzzy system ONCE.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

La Fonera (FON) - spare your wireless, earn your unlimited wifi!

FON Project official site
Taiwan FON organization

I've just got my FON received from express. This FON ap is a rather smaller one, and featuring in 2 SSID(public / private) accessible entry of WiFi. Comparing to the earlier version released in the exposition held in early December of 2006, this version have a Traditional Chinese manual in addition(maybe more additional? I can't sure.)

With the fully updated firmware, I encountered much less problem then the former user did. With zh-TW language supported firmware, and Chinese version manual, it is much easier to install then before.

Setting up the hardware is quite easy, just use the connection wire connect between the hub(or ADSL router directly) and FON AP itself, and don't forget the AC Adapter =).

The accessories within. Including 4 sticker tags, a manual CD(in fact, it requires no installation disk), a multi-language manual, and a Traditional Chinese manual(Taiwan only =) ) . Indeed, the cat is so cute to play the rule of symbolization of FON.

There are 3 indicator LED on the surface of FON, respectively as WLAN, Internet and Power. But I encountered problem when access the wireless, and the WLAN indicator was blinking. I cant sure if it was not compatible with my wireless adapter of my NB, but login was so difficult. By the default, I can access the setting page only via privilege(private) SSID, but I spent so many time in accessing it. WEP2 encryption was troubled, always halted at authorization, and so do the DHCP either, always bugged at distributing local IP to the clients, must be fixed by MS fixing tools, ALWAYS. I've acknowledged these issues since the first release in TW, but still keep unfixed. I finally logged in, but I don't think novices would do so.

Finally, I had got in the setting page( as default rather then I wonder ADSL is not public out of Taiwan, the English manual referred none of it... maybe foreigns use all static IP instead of ADSL? The default logon and pass is "admin/admin" -- essential to setting up PPPoE and changing SSID -- is not in English manual, too(but in Chinese manual). It is so hard to set up the device without Chinese Manual -- salute to Taiwan user who successfully set up the device of earlier release version which included no Chinese Manual!

These problems are not really lethal. Difficult progress of setting indeed but it can be finished in one day. The critical problem is the DNS it used. I can recognize it use DNS to authorize the access to Internet, if you are not authorized, any domain name you entered will redirect you to FON login page. But the DNS they use(now is what hell it is?) is terrible, and hardly update their database. For example, if you use FON, you can't access Blogger New Page. I know this domain name is new, so try older domain name : ... Alas! 404 again. These DNS issue is not fixed since early November, and it is really critical.

FON still needs improving. Since the idea is so great, but it is still too unfriendly for novice and too bugged. Hope these issue will be fix in further days.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bravo! nVidia!

This picture shows the threshold temperature of a nVidia Graphic Card, it can allow up to 145 C and still expected to work well! Even a AMD processor can only endure up to less then 100 C, bravo nVidia!

(This snapshot taken from a computer running ubuntu Linux, and graphic card is GeForce6200)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Recently Read List

Linux :
  • ubuntu 玩全手冊

  • Modern C++ Design
  • More exceptional C++

More exceptional C++ will be a challenge to my C++ ability, I think...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Silly Conversation lol

"Ya since you have finished your service(military service, a must-do in Taiwan), you should have another girlfriend, bro."

"Not necessary I think."

"What style you are looking for?"

"Maybe a mature one, more mature then me."

"Mental or age?"

"Mental I think."

"Mentally more mature then you? How could I say it is hard to find one?"

"It's not really easy..... hum... wait you are humbling me -o-"

Saturday, December 09, 2006

First look of ubuntu 6.10

To replace my old Linux Fedora Core 5, I downloaded a copy of ubuntu 6.10(all of alphabets in its name are lowercase, interesting =) ). A full copy of it is about 3.5gb, and there is live CD function within. It's 3.5gb includes multiple language support, and some necessary(and also not a few unnecessary) component.

First looking is not bad, a beautiful loading screen. This distribution have a very nice looking loading GUI, clearly indicate each functions. Most common choice is install by it's Live CD(it makes computers run Linux without using any hard drive!), loading its full X86R2(the GUI system that Linux usually used... as known as XWindow), then run the install application. Apparently, as mostly people excepted, it is not effective compared to install via direct installation mode, but rather more friendly(really? I doubt it =) ). It took me almost 40 minutes to complete the installing process(3.5gb is a fatty guy), and a few options can be choose. All right, like other distribution of Linux, remove the CD, reboot, and so on. We are entering a formal ubuntu now.

ubuntu's OS loader is modified grub, and I think it is a bad modification. GUIs in ubuntu have only one kind : Gnome. Fedora Core have KDE TDM Gnome....etc, but ubuntu have only one kind. "All Gnome in the world are the same Gnome" it goes, so the Gnome in ubuntu is excepted approximately similar to one in FC. Ok let's start settle up networking.

Wait, where the hell to make the network establishing?

Manage==>Network have some choice to let you access your network card, but there is no place to let you setting up the DSL! I was lucky to have another networked NB by side, go to FAQ at Taiwan ubuntu organization and finally I know the command is "sudo pppoeconf", and the FAQ is so kind to tell you where can you get GUI network manage tool... but connecting to the site is pre-required(lol) -- how could you get these information to set up pppoe, without knowing how to set up pppoe?

We will talk about console in the next day =) I need some time to get familiar to ubuntu...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Wicked Trick is played in this election.

These two controversial snapshot of blog which is published by a candidate who is to run for Kao-Shung Mayor Election. Both of theirs left side, where the part of monochrome with the people with twisted face, is referring to people lives in Taipei(台北人, as it referred.), and the color side is referred people live in Kaoshung(高雄人, as it referred.) . The most controversial part is, therefore, left side is be emphasized referring to the riot which against president Chen. And, it is her (or supported by her supporter?) blog : 陳菊部落格, and this page of blog also fall in to the storm of argument .

I am not sure what these advertisement supposed to be, it is not only recently that DPP have played the trick of north-east conflict issue, but also Taiwan-China conflict issues. Nevertheless, is it really necessary for DPP to win both two election -- even play such a shameless and dirty trick? Time will prove it, and elections afterward will prove it, too.

Chinese version is here, and her official website with this advertisement is here.

P.S. The blog entry to this advertisement is fixed, and deleted the controversial part. And the candidate's official site is in maintaining now, fixing the same part is excepted. Anyway, this trick is no doubt a dirty dot in Taiwan's election history, and we have witnessed it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Problem : Calculator with "Unlimited Digit"

Required : A solution that does
  1. Basic ability of calculation, like + - * /(and only required these for now)
  2. UNLIMITED digit input required.
  3. Use digit array only(ex. int a[n];)
Current progress:
  • Solving the problem at data input.
Current problem:
  • Read a single digit at console.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Future Reading of Dan Brown

I've bought 2 of Dan Brown's novel just, "Digital Fortress" and "Angels and Demons" -- preface of "Da Vinci Code". It cost me 280 NTD each, and considering of its original price 7.99 USD, it's surely not expensive.

Digital Fortress, a novel scripting the conflict of national security and personal freedom in networks. NSA (a.k.a. National Security Agency?) have code-breaking machine encounters a mysterious code it cannot break, and called cryptographer Susan Fletcher(In Dan's novel, cryptographers usually are beautiful women =P) for help, while NSA is threated by someone.

Angels and Demons, as the preface of Da Vinci Code, Robert Langdon is still holding the leading role :) (I had supposed Jackque, the curator died in Da Vinci Code, will play such a role.) The cover of it is printed : Robert Langdon's First Adventure.

I will have a article after read each.

After the reading of Da Vinci Code

First, I must admit that I am deeply impressed by Dan Brown's way to create a "block of text" to describe a entire view. In total 483 pages, the time only pass "one night and half day" (|||). By ornate and gorgeous vocabulary, he constructed a detailed model of his huge imagenational and notional world. Indeed, it is a feature of his writing, but it also caused difficulty and (someone might take it as) boring. By the insertion between reality and virtual, thus Opus Dai, Priory of Sion, even Vatican His Holiess itself involved, Dan Brown knitted a "Circine" world to addict readers.

And as the same sake, this masterpiece is controversial.

Not even Vatican, it surely need not to discuss, but Opus Dei is a truely exist organization. In this writing, they were described as a murder, defender and zealot toward the Goddess Worship(in this book as "Pagan"), taking wrong method to against pagans, even worst then mid-age Churchism. In fact, I have no way to know whether Opus Dei is, but what Vatican itself does in our true world. In other words, it is very hard to tell which is true or false which is written in. This book use lot's of disputable example(we can know Dan's describe of some of Da Vinci's masterpiece is right, but we can not truely assure that Da Vinci was just thinking in the same way as this book describe). No matter it is so controversial.... Fake and true, who can tell us?

Vocabulary used in this book is also a feature. Numerous of splendid words used, and over-description is assured. For non-English-native readers, it is not only make a huge difficulty to read but make it intoleratable. Non-sense and unnecessary words, which only used to describe a single event, are too exploited. Maybe it is his writing habit and advantage for somebody, but also a disadvantage for someones(somebody like me lol). His exploiting describe to many events, slow the pace of the reading, and annoying to me :(.

There is another point I must claim, and it is also a dificient to me. Exploitting of coincide, a horrible numberous within -- Yes, "HORRIBLE". I know and I can interpret that it is supposed a imagenational novel, but exploiting of coincide is still a dot on a paper--and it is not a tiny dot. I am truely shocked by the identification of "The Teacher", but rather then a feeling of "Ahhh that he is! Why I ignored it before!?", I feel "Ahhhhhhhh How could such coincide happen so many time!".

Da Vinci Code is really a masterpiece, even with some deficient, its no matter. It's still commendatory, not only its structure, but his expertise writing leading readers in his world =).